FREAKHUNTER is on STEAM - keys soon!

FREAKHUNTER is now on Steam - I've requested keys from Valve, who should get them to me within a few days. When they're available, I'll make another post to announce it - I believe I will be able to make them available through your purchase page, once it all settles down.

I've also made some changes to the game, bringing us to version 1.1:

Readme now readable ingame through pause or main menu. 

Cursor in main menu now defaults to RESUME instead of BEGIN when not on a fresh save.

Flipped direction of text scroll inputs.

Recoil intensity now builds over sustained fire instead of remaining the same for each shot. Recoil will now start at negligible and increase with sustained fire.

Vastly buffed HOLEMAKYR because I got cold feet about how sadistic World 4 is. It now fires significantly faster and consumes less ammo.

Fixed an issue where turret freaks -"pewpews" - would continue shooting at the player after the player teleports away while in view of the freak.

Resetting all player data will now kick you back to the main menu.

FLAKWAVE weapon should no longer damage the player when fired during gameplay with high frametime.


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